
"The Empire of Dust" | Watcher's Temple

"Apostasy" | Hightower Church

"An Epilogue for Days Forgotten" | St. Peter & Paul

"No Man or God..." | Celestial Sanctuary

"Seven Gatekeepers" | Celestial Sanctuary

"Hymns Left Unsung" | Watcher's Temple

"At the Gates, Purifed" | Watcher's Temple

"The Empyrean Derelict" | Celestial Sanctuary

"And in Their Absence, the Music Ceased" | Ruins of the Holy Aurora

"On This Forlorn Journey" | St. Peter & Paul

"The Sacrifice Made" | Greyspire Church

"Hunters of the Last Sunset"

"Rejoice in the Fall" | Celestial Sanctuary

"We Will Tear Down the Gods" | Hightower Church

"Wrought of the Heavens Themselves" | | Watcher's Temple

"Divinity in Discord" | Hightower Church

"Heralding the Eternal End" | Daniels MD, Ghost Town

"When the Heavens Fall to Earth" | Hightower Church

"Faith Worn Thin" | Ruins of the Holy Aurora

"In Endless Vigil" | St. Peter & Paul

"A Hymn to Desolation" | Hightower Church

"These are the Days Without Any Tomorrows" | Ruins of the Holy Aurora

"Upon the Tattered Wings of Faith" | Hightower Church

"There are No Gods Here" | Sacred Heart Roman Catholic

"As We Say Farewell to All We Once Loved" | Greyspire Church

"A Home to None" | Watcher's Temple

"A Silent Elegy" | Lost House of the Lord

"Sanctum" | Watcher's Temple